Maximising the protein to carb ratio

I have done extensive research – theoretical and practical – to determine the most bang-for-your-buck sources of protein.

  • Canned tuna in water
  • Canned pilchards
  • Ostrich
  • Venison
  • Chicken breast
  • Soybeans Chickpeas
  • Eggs
  • Cottage cheese
  • What the SO and I do every two weeks or so is prepare a batch of these protein sources and freeze it in portions for easy extraction during the week. Examples include

    • Tuna fish cakes with pilchards
    • Ostrich mince
    • Meatballs (ostrich/venison/beef/pork mince)
    • Homemade chicken bites

    All of the above are combined with ground chickpeas (to make it go further and to add some carbs), ground biltong powder and various spices/chillies/fresh herbs so we don’t feel like running to Mcds for a disgusting, filthy, addictive cheeseburger.

    I still have to order some bulk whey protein isolate, which will be added to the afternoon smoothie. Currently we are finishing up some flavoured protein we bought on daily deal.