Not as good as it should be

My older sister bought us all chocolate covered, chocolate filled ring doughnuts from Woolies. While I am up for anything chocolate (as my dentist will confirm), this was not as good as it should be. The chocolate filling should have been smoother, and the doughnut a bit softer.

I’ve made a post about this because not only do I feel that a chocolate covered, chocolate filled ring doughnut should be made to perfection so as to justify the calories, but also because I really do not feel like posting about the Takealot Tuesday debacle, and the even worse (and ongoing) Kalahari 24 hour 48 hour sale.


Spicy Pasta Salad

On Braai Day this year I was going to make some normal potato salad, only to find out there were no potatoes. I then decided to make pasta salad with whatever was in the fridge.

• 1 small red onion, diced
• Half a green pepper, diced
• 20ml sweet chilli sauce
• 30ml dhania sauce
• 10g fresh coriander, chopped
• 60ml mayonnaise
• 80ml plain yoghurt
• Black pepper (grind it fresh)
• Ina Paarman Garlic and Herb seasoning
• Two spring onion…stalks? Pieces? chopped

Mix together and gooi over 500g of boiled pasta that has been cooling in the fridge while you are doing this. Probably should have mentioned the pasta earlier.

Note: all those measurements I gave are serious estimates, I actually just eyeballed it and stopped adding stuff when it looked about right.


Sometimes coercion is a good thing

I could never understand why my sisters and the SO would sometimes order hot chocolate when we go eat out. Most places just serve the standard Nestlé hot chocolate – some make it nicer than others of course but it’s essentially the same thing.

Today I have been converted. I was coerced into ordering a hot chocolate at the mini Vida close to my workplace and oh my goodness, best thing ever. They make it from actual dark chocolate, and it’s foamy and frothy and creamy but made with low fat milk! For the price of a coffee, I would take this anyday as we have unlimited filter coffee at work anyway.

Of course I got my Vida points as well.